Every person at least once in his life has thought about the origin of his family name, who his ancestors were, what they did, how their fate took shape and what role their life played in the formation of the state. A person who does not know the history of his family loses the thread of time running from his ancestors to the present moment. A series of historical events that had a major impact on the ideals and foundations of the country has led to the fact that many people do not know the names of predecessors of the family because of the loss of information.

To fill in the gaps of the family history and restore the thread of time will help such a science as genealogy. It allows you to get more information about your ancestors, learn about the estates, occupations and professions of previous generations, as well as compile a family tree.

This concept has several interpretations. In the broad sense genealogy is a science, which studies the information about the kinship of families and dynasties and systematizes the received data about the origin of the human family and succession of generations in the chronological order. In a narrow sense, the term is an auxiliary historical discipline that regularly collects information about the generations of one family, data on the origin of the family, and systematizes the obtained information from the past to the present.

This science originated in ancient Greece and in translation from Latin means “family genealogy”. Owing to the principle of power and property transfer through the direct paternal line, there appeared an urgent need of keeping the records of the successors of generations in order to prove the right of inheritance. Thus emerged the genealogical schemes of the dynasties of the nobility and other high-ranking families. By such schemes many historians in our time and determine the succession of generations of families in the 15-16 centuries.

The history of the family family family, regardless of status and class, is formed of thousands of destinies and lives. Studying genealogy of dynasty, family name or separate branch of the family you can plunge into the real history of your family, learn names and destinies of your ancestors. Family thread of time allows you to feel the spirit of unity with the previous generation, as well as to establish the importance of your family in the history of the whole state.

As an auxiliary historical discipline, the first appearance of genealogy dates back to the eighteenth century. The definition of this discipline is narrower, that is, the systematization of information about ancestors and generations takes place within a single lineage. The process of systematization involves several stages:

Conducting an analysis of the origins of specific individuals and the family as a whole.
Making family chains of succession of generations within one family.
Making genealogical books and trees with genealogical schemes and family heraldry.