Family is the main part of any person’s life. Remember that the family is not only the relatives living now, but also the previous generations. It is important to keep the memory and pass it on to the next generations. Today you can see your relatives – parents and grandparents, but perhaps your children will not see them. Therefore, it is necessary to collect as much information as possible to make a family tree.

By creating genealogy books and trees, you can find out who your ancestors were, what was the basis of your family name, and systematize all the information you get about the generations.

Knowing your genealogy is of great value to all family members:

  • Collecting and processing information allows you to feel part of a large family lineage. To feel the importance of one’s identity and to understand one’s role in a succession of generations. This emotional state is a great boost for your body and the stabilization of your personality in society. Knowing one’s “roots” gives one additional support and foundation for one’s life.
  • By taking part in drawing up a genealogy of the family, family unity takes place. Children communicate more with the older generation, which brings joy to both the child and the adult. While making a family tree, children begin to understand the importance of family and the depth of generations. This activity develops family values and traditions.
  • Obtaining information about previous generations will also be useful from a medical point of view. By collecting data about ancestors, one can learn about genetic predispositions and hereditary diseases. Possession of such information will allow diagnosing the organism and timely carrying out necessary treatment in case of disease preconditions.

Thanks to drawing up of genealogy of family origin it is possible to solve a lot of problems important for a modern person. For example, to preserve one’s health and to establish the true right of inheritance. In addition, knowledge of family tree has a great influence on the spiritual component of life. Knowing about ancestors, establishing their occupation, as well as the fact of participation in important events for the country gives the opportunity to plunge into history, to understand the importance of your family in the formation of the state and to feel the power of generations.