Genealogy research Archives - Yacgs2N Blog about genealogy Mon, 20 Mar 2023 10:16:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Genealogy research Archives - Yacgs2N 32 32 History of the country and native land Mon, 20 Mar 2023 09:44:53 +0000 The history of the family is inextricably linked to the area where they live. A local history museum and books about the history of your native land can help supplement your family tree book.

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The history of the family is inextricably linked to the area where they live. A local history museum and books about the history of your native land can help supplement your family tree book.

Historical events in the state had a huge impact on the history of the family (perhaps not obvious at first glance). The genealogist needs to understand the intricacies of history and learn what orders and laws came out during the period of interest, what taxes were levied on his ancestors, how the ancestors reacted to events (participation in riots, rallies, wars, revolutions, etc.)

Family traditions
Genealogy allows the preservation of family traditions, multiplying them with each new generation. Families with no common interests, no traditional rituals, in the genealogical system quickly lose their ties when a central figure is lost.

For example, there is a parental home where children come and family celebrations take place. If family members are not united by something more than just such rare gatherings, then with the death of one or both parents, the connection between the grown children and their descendants will be severed (if not in this generation, then in the next).

That is why it is so important to bring up children in their family on the commonality and unity of the family, where each relative is important, because he or she is a part of the huge family tree. It is important to maintain the established family traditions of both families (husband and wife), to create their own, to preserve and pass on to descendants the material and moral values of the ancestors.

It is important to realize that your family tree will never be 100% explored. You can’t get as far as Adam or Neanderthals. The family tree of each family tree is all but a fragment of one huge tree.

Every genealogist arrives at a historical period beyond which one can no longer step. Because there are no sources of genealogical information about the family. This boundary appears for some in the 18th century, and for others in the 16th century. Unfortunately, this situation is irreparable, such documents will never appear again, which means you have to be content with what you have.

You should not get hung up on the size of the family tree. Even 5-10 generations is a lot. If you write a little life story for each of your direct ancestors, you will get a huge book about the family.

It is important for every family tree researcher to appreciate and share what is found and heard. After all, what you have is the truest family, and you don’t need another.

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Genealogical trees and DNA networks Sun, 25 Dec 2022 09:45:00 +0000 In genealogical DNA analysis, we want to know which haplogroups the genome belongs to. Haplogroups are groups of identical genetic profiles, usually because of common ancestors.

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In genealogical DNA analysis, we want to know which haplogroups the genome belongs to. Haplogroups are groups of identical genetic profiles, usually because of common ancestors. Genealogical research uses genetic markers in haplogroups to determine the degree of relatedness. Because Y-DNA and mtDNA are transmitted as copies, we usually used genetic markers that could identify Y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroups.

Genetic genealogy based on Y-DNA haplogroup (paternal lineage)
Aside from mtDNA, only Y-DNA allows a clear ancestral lineage to be traced. Y-DNA was also investigated early on to establish paternal lineages. Y-DNA haplogroups are distinguished by letters A through R, as well as numbers and lowercase letters using the system developed by the Y Chromosome Consortium .

Haplogroup R1a is particularly common in Europe, North-Central Asia, and India. In Europe, particularly high concentrations can be found in Poland, Northern Europe. In India, the highest concentrations were found in the Brahmin caste.

Genetic genealogy based on mtDNA Haplogroup (maternal)
Because mtDNA has 100-10,000 copies per cell and has a simple structure compared to the chromosomal DNA in the cell nucleus, it was preferred for inexpensive analysis. In addition, the maternal lineage can be recovered from DNA in the mitochondria.

When old Homo sapiens remains are discovered, mtDNA often remains the only source of genetic information because of degeneration of DNA markers in the cell nucleus.

Human geneticist Brian Sykes claims that there are seven mitochondrial lineages in the modern European (but others estimate this number at 11 or 12). However, the number of mitochondrial ancestors for the entire world population is much higher. With more mtDNA tests, we can find more mitochondrial lineages in the global population.

Geographic distribution of mtDNA haplogroups (maternal lineage):

Southern Europe: J, K.
Northern Europe: H, T, U, V, X
Middle East: J, N
Africa: L, L1, L2, L3
Asia: A, B, C, D, E, F, G.
America (Native Americans): A, B, C, D, X

Genetic genealogy based on Autosomal DNA and X-DNA (ancestry, relatedness)
Because autosomal DNA and X-DNA recombine, their DNA regions are inherited randomly from ancestors. Thus, to draw genealogical conclusions from these types of DNA, a comprehensive mutation analysis is needed. Companies offering DNA tests for commercial purposes test approximately 700,000 autosomal SNPs. ΠΆ

To be able to analyze the composition of a genetic lineage in relation to geographic groups (nations, clans) requires a sufficient number of test subjects from which ancestors come from a certain known area.

Depending on the form of analysis and the choice of decisive components, or “data clusters,” different estimates and representations are possible. For example, the creation of genealogical trees is possible by demonstrating the closeness of relationships between different subjects or groups. In this form of presentation, the choice of decisive component(s) is important; even small changes in the constellation will lead to different test results.

Statistical inferences about the relationship can be made based on matching DNA segments. Segments are usually compared using SNP mutations. The longer the matching segment, the closer the relationship between subjects. However, below a certain length, matched segments are more likely to occur due to chance rather than descent.

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Types of genealogical records to look for in the first place Tue, 08 Feb 2022 09:30:00 +0000 It is much easier to stay organized and manage your research by processing one record at a time. In addition, searching individual sets of records yields better search results.

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When you are just starting genealogy research, it is a good idea to choose one particular set of records or collection to search before moving on to another so that you keep track of your research. It is much easier to stay organized and manage your research by processing one record at a time. In addition, searching individual sets of records yields better search results.

Census records
Census records are important for genealogy research because they can indicate family relationships, reveal vital details about your ancestor’s life, and they were required by the government, so it is very unlikely that your ancestor will be missing from the census (although it does happen). The first U.S. census was taken in 1790 and has been recorded every 10 years since, so you have many decades at your fingertips to search and track your family. Our U.S. and Canadian census collections contain over 678 million records, and it is estimated that approximately 90% of the U.S. population was successfully covered in each census, so it is very likely that you will find your ancestors in the census records. Since censuses contain information about households, find out who is related to whom in your family tree and learn important information such as years of birth and death.

But if you think census records are just for beginners, think again. It’s always a good idea to revisit them as you learn more about your family history because there are errors recorded there, and you never want to rely on one source to confirm facts about your family.

Marriage records
Marriage records are a great place to find your ancestors at an early stage because they contain information about both your ancestors and their immediate family members. A marriage record will likely give you two sets of details, one for the bride and one for the groom. Both will contain information about each side of the family, revealing maiden names and family relationships you may not have, other records you have been searching for.

Birth records
Birth records are essential for genealogy research because they cover key life events and contain useful information to take your family history back further. Birth records are often primary sources, sources that were created at the time of the event, so the information in them is quite reliable. Having these reliable sources of family history will help you form the basis for verifying information during your research.

Death records
Death records are similar to birth records in that they record key life events and provide useful information about your family members. Death records are also a great reference point for your research because they will help you create a clear timeline and estimate family relationships based on the information provided. It is important to look for death records early in your family research as these are the most recent records of the ancestor you are tracing. Remember that it is always best to start with the most recent records and work backwards from there.

Starting with these four collections of records will give you those vital details that will help you create a clearer and more organized timeline as your genealogy research progresses. What’s more, these basic records often lead to discoveries in other resources, helping you learn even more about your ancestors and bring their story to life.

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Methods of searching for ancestors Mon, 12 Jul 2021 10:12:00 +0000 The information you get from older family members will come in handy for your genealogy research, but really truthful information is not as easy to get as it seems.

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The information you get from older family members will come in handy for your genealogy research, but really truthful information is not as easy to get as it seems. Much depends on the character of the particular family member whose interview is planned, as well as the environment, so let’s break down the psychological factors in more detail. How should the conversation be conducted so that the story of a relative will have a positive impact on the genealogical research process? Let’s divide the character of an individual into two types: those who love attention to their person and those who don’t want to touch the past and strain their memory. If in the first case, it is necessary to carefully filter facts from the dialogue in order to cut off the fabrications, then in the second case, it is recommended to direct main efforts to unmask the interlocutor, making him talk, and then the research of the family tree will add new exclusive sections for analysis. Further in the text of the publication we will give useful tips, thanks to them it will be easier to benefit from both options, and the assimilated knowledge will increase the likelihood of success of genealogical research of a family tree.

When the interlocutor willingly comes into contact and gives a lot of information necessary for the search of ancestors, then initially find out from him the places and dates of birth of the oldest relatives, which will later become the starting point for the research of the family lineage deep into the family. Find out which information is absolutely reliable, derived from birth or death certificates, for example, and which relates to unconfirmed facts. You will be able to use this data, taking into account the margin of error, and not to request unnecessary documentary sources in the archives, which will have a positive effect on the efficiency of genealogical research. This nuance is especially relevant if you know that there are restrictions on the volume of documents that can be ordered in the reading rooms. Make allowance for the subtleties of the search process, and the genealogy research of the family will move forward by leaps and bounds without wasting time, and the origin of the surname will soon be revealed.

If a relative is withdrawn, not wanting to go into details of past years and his family tree, then psychology comes into play, helping to establish contact and get information to start genealogical research. There is no need to serve in the GRU and have the skills of a spy to know the basic rules of the conversation. Stiffness and incompetence in discussing the past are present because of the secretive nature or unpleasant memories (excluding the secrecy of members of the secret service). Your task is to convey the motivation for the interest that has arisen due to the need to do genealogical research on the family tree. Explain that you are not interested in it, but in information about the older generations of the family in order to understand your origins and find the ancestor of the family name. Explain that this is not a simple curiosity, but an opportunity to achieve inner peace harmony by studying the fate of your ancestors. Select the moment for the conversation, not burdening the person’s life, that is, it is necessary to get under a certain mood with a favorable atmosphere.

The informativeness of genealogical research will improve if you refer to the family archives, if available. Elderly people often write memoirs or memoir notes, some do it electronically, some write them in a notebook, and some write them on a dictaphone. Do not be lazy and look in this direction, as practice shows, in this way you can meet valuable genealogical data.

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